Petro-Surf 2024 will be the last weekend of June, 28th - 30th, on the island of Sylt. In order to have your your car in the festival and attend all the P/S activities you will need to purchase a ticket. Prerequisite is that you have an aircooled or transaxle Porsche. Of course you are more than welcome to visit the festival with whichever automobile if you didn't get a ticket, generally the festival itself on the 29th of June at the Samoa/Rantum location is free of charge and everybody is welcome (15:00 - 21:00). Come join the Petro-Surf family!
The following items are included in your ticket:
- A round-trip ticket to and from Sylt with the FRS Sylt-Ferry ex Römö
- A Petro-Surf x Stevie Gee Merch Item
- Attendance of the private Petro-Surf Ferry Dinner free of charge (2 persons p. car)
- All P/S activities
- Breakfast at Porsche auf Sylt 30th of June from 09:00 - 12:00
- Deluxe Goodie bag
Pls. 1.) advise your t-shirt size XS - XXL (one p. order), 2.) your car model AND 3.) if you will come alone or with a passenger. PLS. FILL IN THESE DETAILS IN THE SPECIAL INSTRUCTION BOX IN THE NEXT STEP!
Once your order is placed we'll send you a PDF with all the relevant infos you might need to attend P/S and have a good time on Sylt incl. how to book your ferry ticket. Start of P/S 2024 will be in June 28th 3:00 PM/15:00 at the Padborg Park race track in Denmark for all valid ticket holders of both ticket categories. From Padborg and after the race all attendees will drive together to the Römö FRS Sylt ferry terminal.
Pls. print out your order confirmation and bring it along with you to the event. No separate ticket will be send. Tickets are non-transferable!
Price is per car and not per person!