We're pleased to announce, after ever-changing COVID regulations (latest in effect 23rd August 2021), to give all of you a final update. The good news is Petro-Surf Vol.3 will go down August 28th as planned at the harbor of Munkmarsch in the eastern part of Sylt. Times are set from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
Besides a rad location with 75 handpicked aircooled Porsches, P/S will feature an art exhibition with artists like Julian Schnabel, Danny Minnick plus some more. Also, as every year, we'll showcase a photo exhibition touching on our main topics: surfing and Porsches. The Porsche photo part for 2021 is covered by Barrett Loose and our surf photo exhibit by none other than the legendary Art Brewer! There will be different booths by our sponsors, a place to buy Petro-Surf merch, food, drinks, a live DJ set for the whole day, an exhibit on the harbor, which has a rich history, a surfboard exhibition and a bunch of more things to keep your mind occupied and inspired.
Due to COVID regulations we're not able to host external guests at the following activities, which are only reserved for Petro-Surf participants and invited guests. This refers to the surf contest, the drive challenge or any other activity other than the main day 28th of August at the Munkmarsch harbor, which is free of charge and everybody is welcome! Opening hours below, with the below mentioned restrictions.
The festival site is located at: Munkmarscher Hafen / Bi Heef 2 / 25980 Sylt OT Munkmarsch / Germany. Parking for guests is located at a designated parking area, the address is: Beton Maron GmbH / Pan'er 333B / 25980 Sylt. All accredited participants of Petro-Surf will be parked on the premises. Our parking team on site will direct and help you.
Important facts for the festival site 28th of August 1:00 - 9:00 PM:
- We can only allow guests on the premises who are either vaccinated, recovered from COVID or have a COVID test not to be older than 24 hrs.
- We'll have a test station on site though, free of charge!
- Distance of 1.5 m should be kept at all times.
- A mask is mandatory for all indoor locations.
- We'll work with the LUCA app on site. If you don't have this app you'll be required to fill out a form for contact tracking purposes.
- The maximum number of people on site over the whole day will be 1.500 people and no more than 550 people at the same time at the harbor location.
- Also pls. note that there will be photos and films taken for commercial purposes at the Petro-Surf festival location.
- In order to know how many people are on the site at any given moment we'll hand out lanyards at the entrance to every single visitor. When you leave, this lanyard will have to be handed over to the personal at the entry/exit area.
A big thank you to our sponsors without whom none of this would be possible!
Our head presenter for 2021is BOSS, followed by Porsche/Porsche auf Sylt, Fritz Hansen, Tag-Heuer, Syltfähre, Marine Machine, Norden, Inselkind, Fährhaus Hotel Group, Sylt Marketing and Hake GmbH.
If you have any questions hit us up via: info@marinemachinesupply.com!